8. How to make Read More Part 2?

Let's follow these steps:

⇒ Please Login first with your Blogger Account

⇒ Go to Layout Tab

⇒ Click Edit Html

⇒ Click Download Full Template first before you touch your html code.

⇒ Check the Expand Widget Templates box

⇒ Find this code on your html code:

<div class='post-body'>

⇒ To easy find, you can use Ctrl+F, then paste that code you wanna find on the box, click Find or Next

⇒ Copy this code, and paste under <div class='post-body'>:

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>





⇒ Then find this code:

⇒ Copy this code, and paste under <p><data:post.body/></p>:

<a expr:href='data:post.url'>Read More......</a>


⇒ Save Template

⇒ Go to Setting Tab

⇒ Click Formatting

⇒ Copy this code, and Paste on the box:

<div class="fullpost">


⇒ Click Save Setting

Now, let's try the post:

⇒ Your Post have

<div class="fullpost">


⇒ Your Post example:

myname is pankaj chandravanshi
<div class="fullpost">
and i read in class 10th.

⇒ Publish Post

Let's see the result. If failed, don't give up. Please try again and Good Luck. See you in the Next Post.



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