In your Blogger Account there is a facility to set the Fonts and Colors. Usually every desire Blogger is not always the same. Blogger facility is designed very simple to make it easier to adjust to the Blogger's Fonts and Colors, such as the desire of each. What is "Fonts and Colors" Blog you are already in accordance with your want? Now I will tell you the Bloggers especially beginners about how to setting the Fonts and Colors in your blog. Here are the steps it:
- Page Background Color⇒ For set background color
- Text Color⇒ For set font color your post
- Link Color⇒ For set link font color
- Blog Title Color⇒ For set title color
- Blog Description Color⇒ For set description color
- Post Title Color⇒ For set post title color
- Border Color⇒ For set any border color
- Sidebar Title Color⇒ For set title color on sidebar
- Text Font⇒ For set the type of font in the sidebar and post
- Blog Title Font⇒ For set the type of blog title font
- Sidebar Title Font⇒ For set the type of sidebar title font and post date font
- Blog Description Font⇒ For set the type of blog description font
- Post Footer Font⇒ For set the type of post footer font
- Save Changes
Remember to always see preview your change in the bottom of page before you click "Save Changes" button.
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