1. How To Create A Blog

Main requirements for creating a Blog is a need to have the Email Account. I think all who read this post already understand how to create an Email Account, so I do not need to explain again how to create Email Account.

But I suggest you to use email from Gmail, because Gmail and Blogspot is owned by Google. So both will be better suited to be combined. Meanwhile, for you who don't understand how to create Email Account, please visit the Gmail, and click Sign Up. Fill in all the required data correctly.

Next we will create a Blogger account. The steps are:

  • Click Blogger, or type www.blogger.com in Your Browser Box then click Enter
  • Click image arrow labeled "Create YOUR BLOG"
  • Type your Email Address that is still active
  • Retype your Email Address
  • Type the password that you want
  • Retype the password
  • Type Blog Name with the name you want to show
  • Write the Word Verification Code in the form
  • Check the little box that You accept the Terms of Service
  • Click image arrow labeled "CONTINUE"
  • Enter the Blog Title that you want in the form Blog Title (in the future can change again)
  • Write the Address Name (URL) of your site in the form Blog address
  • Write verification code displayed on the verification form words
  • Click image arrow labeled "CONTINUE"
  • Choose template that you want (in the future can change again)
  • Click image arrow labeled "CONTINUE"
  • In the "Your blog has been created". Click on the picture the arrow labeled "Start Posting"
  • Now You can write You want to Show in Your Blog then Share for people. And when You finish, click the "PUBLISH POST".


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